
Showing posts from 2016

LGBTQ Rights: Will the Rainbow of Tolerance rise in India?

I know there has been no new year post and we are already standing in the beginning of the second month of the year. This period has been particularly uninspiring and busy. I choose to write today not about anything sweet. This post is laced with bitterness. Today is the day the honourable Supreme Court of India will decide whether or not the rights of the LGBTQ community will be recognized or whether being in love with another human being will continue to remain a criminal offence warranting a life sentence in my country. I am an Indian. I was born here and have spent my entire life here. But I am a tiny minority in this country. Why? Well I belong to a tiny fragment of the population who were raised to be liberal and tolerant individuals. I was among the fortunate few who were told from very early on in life that, who I was in terms of gender, religion, caste, race, sexual orientation, political views, taste in literature, financial status or educational qualification does not d