
Showing posts from September, 2014


Even though I an currently quite far away from Kolkata, news from my hometown has been featuring everywhere. Jadavpur University. The educational institution where my boyfriend and some of my best friends are studying has been in the news since the 17th of September. Why? Because university students, girls and boys alike were beaten up, molested and arrested in the middle of the night in response to a peaceful protest demanding justice for the molestation of a fellow student. Why were they beaten up? Simply because they demanded that the Vice Chancellor of the university address the student body regarding this issue and the above mentioned authority did not feel up to the said task. He felt it was a far simpler option to use violence on students he was in charge of rather than to speak. Even though some authorities are terming this unfathomable atrocity as a "chhoto ghotona" (minor incident), the sensible people of Kolkata do not seem to agree. Even though I could