Of Jellies and Jujubes

This one is a Children's Day special. Growing up in India, 14th November was always a day all of us looked forward to. It was our day to be pampered, spoilt and celebrated!! Children's Day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of independent India due to his love for children. 
Children's Day was always celebrated in my Alma Mater - 'Modern High School for Girl' with a mini fete. Game stalls, food stalls, music, balloons, ice cream vans and teachers being the nicest they possibly could be!! Now, at 20, no longer a child, I sorely miss these glorious days. :')

The eye-moistening nostalgia aside, when I think of childhood, a dominant guilty pleasure was jellies and jujubes. I do not know what exactly made these confections so tempting. Was the unnaturally bright colour? The artificial fruity scent? The cloying sweetness? Or was it the soft, gluggy, chewy, slurpy texture? Even though I am suppose to be all too "grown up" for such childish sweet treats, I secretly still enjoy the occasional jelly and jujube. ^_^
Here is my recipe for yummy homemade jujubes. Enjoy!!!



Grain Sugar                                  200 g                       
Water                                           300 ml
Orange Juice                               150 ml
Lime Juice                                   100 ml
Food Colouring (Own Choice)      Few Drops   
Gelatin                                         15 g 
Castor Sugar                                 As Required


  • Cook the grain sugar and water till hard ball consistency. (You can check this by dripping the sugar into ice cold water and waiting for a ball to form)
  • Bloom and melt the gelatin.
  • Mix together the sugar syrup, gelatin, juices and food colouring.
  • Pour into a shallow sheet pan and wait till set.
  • When firm, cut into desired shapes and roll in castor sugar.

Grab a box of these jujube, tune into your favourite Disney movie, look through your school yearbook, drown in nostalgia, call up old school friends and let the Peter Pan Syndrome take over for one day. You deserve a little soul-soothing. :)


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