
Showing posts from April, 2015

The Day After Easter

Hello again to those who still bother to look in on my blog. With my two month breaks between posts I do not expect many of you do. I apologise once AGAIN. This internship and thesis is leaving me no time to write. I am sorry. The last few days have been Easter preparations and execution in full swing. Easter eggs, Easter themed cakes, Easter special brunch has been a whirlwind of festivity rush!! The pastry shop at the hotel was customised to be the very embodiment of Easter with Easter eggs, bunnies and chicks topping everything from gateaux to cheesecakes to doughnuts. Hot Cross Buns were the Easter bread addition.  It was hard work but worth the effort. Chocolate Nest Doughnuts Chocolate Truffle Easter Cake Easter Carrot Cake  Chocolate Cheesecake Hot Cross Buns The brunch menu too contained traditional Easter fare such as the Simnel Cake (Yes I did finally get around to making my own complete with the decorations!), Carrot Cake, Chocola