31st Night Live

New Year's Eve is all about welcoming the new year with plenty of partying, eating, drinking and dancing with friends. So if you are the one playing the host this year, a lot of food and beverage arrangement is expected of you for sure. And even in all the whirlwind of chaotic party planning we simply CANNOT forget the dessert!! This recipe for a Dark Chocolate and Orange Zest Mousse is both simple to make and does not require your attention as it sets in the refrigerator leaving you with ample time on your hands for the appetisers and entree. The are also cute (being served in orange cups and all!!) and a pragmatic solution for having less dishes to wash the next day. (not to mention how orange cups are unbreakable unlike glass, even if your drunk guests drop them!) So here you go. A yummy dessert with mature flavours, perfect for welcoming 2015. ^_^ DARK CHOCOLATE AND ORANGE ZEST MOUSSE INGREDIENTS: Dark Chocolate ...