
Showing posts from November, 2013

Chocolate Crafting!!!

Hello again! Yesterday our practical was on Chocolate Tempering and Crafting. Now all you chocolate enthusiasts and culinary rookies must already now all about tempering chocolate and the science behind it. But for those who don't, here goes. So What IS Tempering? Tempering is a process chocolate has to undergo in order to have all its desirable qualities such as a shine and the property of breaking with a 'snap'. All the six fat crystals present in chocolate was smoothened out to achieve beta crystals which have all the desirable qualities wanted in chocolates. Well tempered chocolate is characterised by smooth texture, glossy sheen and a snappy texture.When chocolate is improperly tempered 'blooming' occurs. This is the slow separation of the cocoa butter present in chocolate from the cocoa solids. Such chocolate can easily be identified by white mossy pattern on the surface if the chocolate. Though this does not affect the health of the chocolate, it d

One Minute Chocolate Cake, A Myth?

So I was reading a food blog a couple of days ago and I came across a strange claim. A chocolate cake that can be mixed and baked in all of 60 seconds! Yes. Just a minute! Though I was highly skeptical to say the least and found the concept slightly laughable, I did have all the ingredients at home and definitely had a minute to spare. So I went through the recipe for this wonder cake which is egg-less, butter-less AND does not require an oven to bake it in! A microwave will do the job and the recipe said it made a single portion so I went ahead and gave it a try. Though I will have to admit that the recipe this particular site had given didn't quite work for me and it took me three remakes and a bit of modification to get it right it did come out surprisingly fluffy and moist in the end (and I would say it is more a pudding rather than a cake). Also it definitely did not take 1 minute. Gathering and measuring out the ingredients took 2 minutes, mixing took 1 minute and b

Resurrection from Blog Death!

Hello everyone!! I am aware that this blog has been dead and forgotten for almost an entire month now. I promise it was solely and completely the fault of my evil internet connection provider. It has been glitch after glitch and a long arid month of absolute web detachment. I am extremely sorry and hope to not let this happen again as long as internet connection nirvana prevails. Extremely tired tonight however. So the blog posting marathon begins tomorrow. I promise. :) Goodnight. <3