Chocolate Crafting!!!

Hello again! Yesterday our practical was on Chocolate Tempering and Crafting. Now all you chocolate enthusiasts and culinary rookies must already now all about tempering chocolate and the science behind it. But for those who don't, here goes.

So What IS Tempering?

Tempering is a process chocolate has to undergo in order to have all its desirable qualities such as a shine and the property of breaking with a 'snap'. All the six fat crystals present in chocolate was smoothened out to achieve beta crystals which have all the desirable qualities wanted in chocolates.
Well tempered chocolate is characterised by smooth texture, glossy sheen and a snappy texture.When chocolate is improperly tempered 'blooming' occurs. This is the slow separation of the cocoa butter present in chocolate from the cocoa solids. Such chocolate can easily be identified by white mossy pattern on the surface if the chocolate. Though this does not affect the health of the chocolate, it does look unpleasant.

Ok. Coming back to our practical. We made Rum Truffles, Brandy Truffles, Hazelnut Truffles, Almond Rocks and Cashewnut Rocks. There were lots of variations in shapes however. Take a look. :)

Hazelnut Truffles

Brandy Truffles

Rum Truffles

Almond Rocks

Cashewnut Rocks

Hope you liked the pictures and understood a little bit of the science behind chocolate making. Tell me about your chocolate adventures. :)


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