
Even though I an currently quite far away from Kolkata, news from my hometown has been featuring everywhere. Jadavpur University. The educational institution where my boyfriend and some of my best friends are studying has been in the news since the 17th of September.
Because university students, girls and boys alike were beaten up, molested and arrested in the middle of the night in response to a peaceful protest demanding justice for the molestation of a fellow student.
Why were they beaten up?
Simply because they demanded that the Vice Chancellor of the university address the student body regarding this issue and the above mentioned authority did not feel up to the said task. He felt it was a far simpler option to use violence on students he was in charge of rather than to speak.

Even though some authorities are terming this unfathomable atrocity as a "chhoto ghotona" (minor incident), the sensible people of Kolkata do not seem to agree. Even though I could not be physically present during the enormously successful rallies that took place in response to this incident, my support is definitely with the cause.

The pouring rain in the city over the past few days threatened to dampen the revolution spirit, but the fire has been lit with too much fuel. The grievances are too many and the images of friends getting beaten up with lathis, fellow woman classmates being molested and a person of authority walking over human beings to escape a peaceful address is going to keep this fire burning for as long as a favourable conclusion is not reached.

The pouring rain prompted the 1 lakh that was marching for a cause to drink a lot of 'cha' (tea) to ward off the cold. And what is cha without the 'bishkoot' (biscuit)? The following is my recipe for Cake Rusk- a popular biscuit available in tea stalls across the city. It is like an Indian Biscotti.


Flour                           100 g
Sugar                          100 g
Butter                         100 g
Egg                              3 nos
Vanilla Essence            Few Drops
Baking Powder             1 tsp


  • Cream butter and sugar together.
  • Whisk in eggs and vanilla essence.
  • Fold in flour and baking powder.
  • Grease a rectangular cake tin and bake at 180*C for 30 minutes.
  • At this point the resultant cake should look and taste like a pound cake.
  • Slice the cake when slightly cooled and re-bake at 200*C for 10-15 minutes.
  • Cool the rusk and allow it to become crisp.

This recipe is as simple as the solution to the problem at JU. The authorities just need to wake up from their ignorant slumber and realise that they have got a revolution at hand. Far from being a chhoto ghotona, this could be the most boro ghotona (big incident) a lot of them will face in their entire careers. Fight on for what is right Kolkata!!


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