The 'Ernest' Mojito Lover

It has been over a month since I have blogged. My campus interviews were going on and I was travelling a lot. These are my only excuses. I am sorry. :(
Now that I am back I am intrigued by the date as usual. 28th October. On this day, 60 years ago Mr Ernest Miller Hemmingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
For those who are not well acquainted with Mr Hemmingway, he was an American author whose works have gained classic status. For majority of his life Hemmingway was a journalist. It is due to his news coverage of wars that he sustained several injuries that made him suffer till the end of his days. 
His life was quite a painful one, filled with injury, pain, disease and depression. It was quite a colourful one too however, with four marriages and frequent alcoholic sprees. Needless to say, he had an unsuccessful personal life and never gained happiness even in his work. His works such as "The Old Man and The Sea", "A Farewell To Arms", "The Sun Also Rises" and "For Whom The Bell Tolls" reflect this disturbance of thought.
As the most well-known alcoholic among authors in the English language, his favourite cocktail was the Mojito. Vodka, lime and mint. The following recipe is my take on Mojito bars. These are sweet and tangy treats which are like chewy biscuits, excellent for a quick snack. 




Flour                          300 g
Caster Sugar              100 g
Butter                        200 g


Egg                            3 nos.
Sugar                         100 g
Flour                          50 g
Butter                        60 g
Salt                            3 g
Lime Juice                 80 ml
Lime Zest                   3 nos.
Milk                            200 ml
Green food Colour     Few Drops
Mint Leaves               10 nos.
Vodka                         60 ml


  • Mix the ingredients for the shortcrust together and form a dough.
  • Line a baking tray with the dough and bake at 180*C for 10 minutes.
  • Blend all ingredients for the filling in a food processor till smooth.
  • Pour the mixture on the partially baked crust and bake at 150*C for 10 minutes, till the filling sets.
  • Cut into rectangular bars while warm.
  • Dust with icing sugar when cool.
  • These can be eaten immediately or stored in an airtight jar upto 10 days.

Enjoy!! ^_^


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