Seamus Heaney

I didn't think I'd be blogging again so soon but I forgot to mention something important. Aside from desserts, you'll also be reading a bit about books, poetry, movies and alcohols.
This post isn't however just a 'oops I forgot to mention' post. I would like to pay tribute to one of my favourite poets, who passed away yesterday. Seamus Heaney. 
I first came across Heaney in my final year of school, in my Literature in English class. He was one of the last listed 20th century poet in that collection of poetry and the moment I read 'Punishment', I was in love. The emotions Heaney evoked in me were unmatched. The beautiful arrangement of words and most importantly the honesty with which he wrote was awe-inducing. His poems 'At a Potato Digging' and 'Follower' took me to Irish fields while 'Casuality' and 'Punishment' sent shivers down my spine.
In conclusion I would like to say that Heaney may have been a Nobel Laureate and 'The best Irish poet since William Butler Yeats' but to me he was poet unlike any other. He shared his memories, both dark and happy, in accessible verses, rather than shrouding them in mystery and complications. May you always find that simplicity wherever you go. Rest In Peace Seamus Heaney.


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